Healthcare - The New Inalienable Right

Obioku Obotette
9 min readOct 17, 2020

As we reach a point of constantly evolving our society to meet the needs of our people, I believe the next advancement would be to accept healthcare as a right that should be accessible to all citizens. Healthcare has become a necessity to many people but the majority of us were only aware of it through forms of employment. Once upon a time as a new employee, I was confused about the choice between a health maintenance organization and a preferred provider organization. I did not know what advantage I would have if I were to choose a personal doctor or pay slightly more for a network of doctors that would all be under that same plan. I knew that I wanted to pay for one or the other via a deduction from my paycheck however. The PPO was eventually my choice and I used it to its maximum extent. There were times that I partially paid for dental care, surgery, hospital stays, biannual check-ups and prescription medications for infections. I know what health insurance can mean for a person and I am sure my life has been drastically reformed for having that happen. Healthcare can be an integral service similar to that of public transportation, education and telecommunications. It can become something this is available to anyone who wants it. As insurance suggests, it is constantly available for us to use and primarily only awaiting our interaction. When considering the landscape of our population, why would we not want to see as many physically and mentally healthy people as possible? Can there ever be a reason to interfere in someone being able to restore their health to…



Obioku Obotette

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